The Marion County Long Term Recovery Group
It was Friday, October 7 through Saturday, October 8, 2016 when Hurricane Matthew visited Marion County. With some areas still recovering from the Flood of 2015, Marion County was one of the parts of South Carolina most severely affected by the 2016 Hurricane. Since then other weather events, such as Florence in 2018, have affected the County. Initiated by the County Administrator Tim Harper and the State Senator Kent Williams, this response has been ongoing.
The People of Marion County have survived, helping one another, and graciously, gratefully accepting help from those beyond the County: this includes State and Federal resources and personnel as well as magnanimous contributions and services from private, non-profit, and faith-based organizations.
Marion County is resilient. Marion County is gradually recovering; therefore, in this Marion County does rejoice. Yet recovery is a process — often a tedious, tiresome process. In this Marion County must resolve.
This group has provided food, commodities, and various kinds of assistance to those identified as needing them, through the C.A.R.E. Center Network. We have resolved to see the process through, intentionally, on behalf of those who are still unable to dwell in their severely damaged homes. Most of all, we must resolve to see all of them with safe, sanitary, and secure housing. We must resolve to stand together: thankful for the progress made, and determined to go “all the way” with every Citizen on his or her journey to restoration, until ALL have recovered.
MCLTRG C.A.R.E. Center Network
Sellers – New Mt. Zion AME Church
Britton’s Neck – Bethel AME Church / Red Hill MB Church
St. James Community – St James AME Church
Friendship – Gresham Chapel FWB Church
Gresham – White Hill MB Church
Centenary – House of God Church
Penderboro – Pleasant Grove MB Church
Mullins – New Beginnings Temple of Praise
For Nichols – Little Pee Dee Baptist Association
Mullins / Nichols – Harvest Time Evangelistic Center
Temperance Hill – Temperance Hill Fire Department
Marion – Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church
Marion – Canaan Land Revival Center
Marion – The Door of Hope Christian Church
Springville – Springville UMC
Wahee – Greater Singletary AME Church / St. Timothy MB Church
Zion – House of God Church / Everbee MB Church
Rains – Bethlehem AME Church
MCLTRG Administrative, Construction, and Logistical Staff
Mr. Curtis Richardson (CLR Construction)
Mr. Spencer Jordan
Mrs. Dianna Owens
MCLTRG Board Members
Mrs. Linda Phillips
Mrs. Ogleretta White
Dr. Kandace Bethea
Bishop Michael Blue
What is a C.A.R.E. Center?
It is a group of neighbors, in a neighborhood location,providing…
“Community Aid, Relief & Empowerment”
A Marion County Grassroots Effort